SYNOPSIS OF INTERVIEW: Entrepreneur Mike Gregory shares his journey
of starting a business in the print industry. Mouse discusses how he
leveraged relationships, maintained a work-life balance, and emphasized
the importance of consultative sales. He also talks about his vision for the
future, including having five warehouses for manufacturing in the United
States. Mouse’s unique approach to product customization and his ability
to consistently deliver quality sets him apart in the market. The interview
highlights the significance of connections and relationships in the world
of entrepreneurship, emphasizing the value of perseverance and
innovation within the African American community
SYNOPSIS OF INTERVIEW: Ashley Scott interviews Johnson Sainvil, an
inventor and co-founder of Domono Inc. They discuss Johnson’s
entrepreneurial journey, including how he came up with the idea for
Domono, overcoming challenges like self-doubt and financing, building a
team, and partnering with organizations like the Russell Innovation Center.
The interview highlights Johnson’s perseverance and innovative spirit in
creating a new camera accessory for cell phones.